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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Assesment For Junior high Shcool 1 Metro

Put a cross mark (x) on a, b, c, or d before correct answer!

1. One of growth characteristics is quantitative, meaning that.....
a) It is measurable
b) It always increases in lenght
c) It is unable to get smaller again.
d) It is unlimited

2. To define whether or not a manggo tree is mature , we can.....
a) Measure its stem’s diameter
b) Count total produced fruits
c) Measure the stem’s height
d) Observe its reproductive capability generatively

3. The plant in the dark room will grow faster than the plant in the bright place. It means plant growth is influenced by.....
a) Air
b) Lihgt
c) Water
d) Soil

4. Look at the root structure below ...

Which the elongation region of the root structure.....
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

5. Very extreme transformation at the development process mortal referred as.....
a) Mirrage
b) Metaphora
c) Methagenesis
d) Metamorphosis

6. One of examples natural animal metaorphosis is ....
a) Cat
b) Butterfly
c) Elephant
d) Jelly fish

7. Frog experince of the development event of so called with...
a) Metamorphosis
b) Metagenesis
c) Morphology
d) Metaphora

8. Which one of the animal bellow has a complete metamorphosis ?

a) b)

c) d)

9. Plant can grow towards the sunlight direction because of a role played by hormone....
a) Auxin
b) Caline
c) Dormin
d) Gibberelins

10. In dark place, any plant planted in pot can grow fast but abnormal. Such event is called....
a) Etiolation
b) Guttation
c) Defisiency
d) Dormancy

11. Part of root the growths fastest is ....
a) Root cap
b) Root base
c) Rear part of root tip
d) Root neck

12. The chart below shows some of changes that a zygote undergoes during its development.

What are A, and B, on the chart ?
a) Grastula- blastula
b) Morula- blastula
c) Blastula-morula
d) Morula-grastula

13. Phase of growth in human being which referred as a period of puberty become of age among.....
a) 0-12 years
b) 12-14 years
c) 10-15 years
d) 14-20 years

14. A periode of imitating, high egoist, and always draw atantion representing marking from a periode of....
a) Baby
b) Child
c) Old
d) Adolescent

15. The brain undergoes the most rapid growth rate during ...... period.
a) Adolescent
b) Adulthood
c) Under-five
d) Older age

16. The repruductive organ start functioning during....period.
a) Under-five
b) Adolescent
c) Adulthhood
d) Older age

17. Robert feels closer to his peers than his parents do. It is likely that robert is....
a) Under five childern
b) Adolescence
c) Adulthood
d) Older age

18. The correct order of human growth and development phases is.....
a) Under-five ----- adulthood ------- adolescence
b) Adolescence ------ adulthood ------ olderage
c) Adolescence ------ childhood ------ olderage
d) Adulthood ------ adolescence ------ underfive

19. Cycle menstruate normal first of mean woman expereienced of age....
a) 8-10 years
b) 9-12 years
c) 9-16 years
d) 10-17 years

20. The growth is fast , body weight grows abaut 1.5-2.5 kg / years, the development of motoric is happen, and there is mental development. They are characteristics of.....
a) Childern
b) Childern under five
c) Teenagers
d) Adults

Answer the following questions briefly and clearly!

1. Write down 3 differences of growth and development?(6)
2. Write down 2 hormon and function of plant?(4)
3. Write down 3 characteristc of puberty in male and female?(6)
4. Write down 2 reproduction organs with them produce of fern?(4)

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